Friday, April 4, 2008

Keep It Up, Chuck!

The other day a conversation with my colleague turned to television. "There's only room in my heart for one show," he said as he tapped his chest, "and that is LOST!"

So, since then, I've made it my mission to try and get him hooked on at least one more. I must say I believe I've been moderately successful (at least in my opinion, he may comment differently), in expanding his viewing choices. This is really a big feat for me as I am a devoted fan of HGTV and will choose that channel every time the remote gets in my hands. However, I've seen almost every episode of every show they air more than once, so this is an opportunity for me to check back in with the big 3 networks.

We have two new favorites: The Big Bang Theory and C.H.U.C.K. The others in contention are Jericho and one that I've recently discovered, Eli Stone.

Maybe, just maybe there will be room in Sam's big heart for just one more show!

Here's what I want to know today: What is the best way to watch my favorite TV shows? Should I use the network sites? How about sites like or What about the free TV viewers? Your comments...

Friday, March 21, 2008

This is something I've wanted to do for a long time

Blogging, journaling, writing are all things that I've promised myself I would do...someday. Well, today's the day! Carpe diem - now that's silly isn't it.

You may be reading my blog during a visit to my website,, or you may have found me some other way. Whatever the route, "Welcome!"

I'm sure we are a lot alike when it comes to learning - so much to learn and so little time. I have such varied interests that I tell people I am a generalist who is an expert in learning. I sometimes feel like a little duckling - waking up in a new world everyday. Two weeks ago it was all about instructional design for eLearning, container gardening, Julia Child and the GenoType Diet by Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Last week I was in Las Vegas, so it was people watching and sociology, parenting of teens, the latest issue of Vanity Fair and Back in Black by Cathie Black.

While in Vegas I had the opportunity to sit in, as a guest, on a seminar sponsored by Regan Communications featuring Shel Holtz. Shel is a well-known consultant in the world of communications and social media. You might want to check out his blog. Shel shared some of his favorite Web2.0 tools with us and talked about how they can be applied to corporate communications and marketing. I took 6 pages of notes containing urls and names of "people in the know" that I want to check out.

My sister went to Vegas with me and we had a great time, just not nearly long enough. We had a great dinner at TAO. TAO is located in the Venetian and the food was wonderful. We had an assortment of "little plates." I would suggest reservations as by the time we left the line was long, long.